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Ideas and solutions Accessible home

Ideas and solutions

Accessible Home

The solution that improves everyone’s quality of life

Improve everyone's quality of life by installing assistive technologies, like voice or device-controlled building automation systems. You can make your home more accessible for everyone, including those with disabilities.

What can you do?

Use door phones designed with special functions for the visually impaired
Manage commands using gestures that activate sensors
Use voice commands to handle situations
Integration with Alexa for simplified management
Open doors in smart mode via the App, for people with mobility problems.
Evaluate the air quality with our chronothermostat

Why choose an accessible home?

An accessible home is designed and built to allow safe and independent access and use by all individuals, including those with disabilities or cognitive or memory impairments.

Assisted technology

The installation of assistive technologies, such as voice or device-controlled building automation systems, can make the home more accessible for people with disabilities.

Accessible electrical switches and outlets

Electrical switches and outlets must be positioned at a height that is accessible for wheelchair users or persons with other mobility issues.

Clear signage on the devices

The use of clear and understandable signage can be helpful for people with cognitive or memory problems.

App CallMe

Answer the video intercom even when you are not at home

With Urmet’s CallMe app, you can answer your video door phone even when you are not at home. CallMe allows the door phone to be answered directly from your office or from a shop, just as if you were at home, or the gate and the entrance door to be opened while relaxing on your sofa or in the garden. All this with a simple click from your smartphone or tablet. CallMe is a free app for Android and iOS, but it is also a device that’s compatible with older Urmet door phones or video door phones, with no need to purchase a new monitor.